SOTD:Songs on the Dome


Obama's Fried Chicken


are they serious



anyway here is the article via "The Daily News":

NYC's 'Obama fried chicken' restaurants ruffle feathers

Friday, April 3rd 2009, 2:43 PM

Giancarli for News

Sign atop Obama Fried Chicken and Pizza at 110th St. Nicholas Ave.

Two city fast-food joints are calling themselves Obama Fried Chicken - and the new names are ruffling some feathers.

Eateries in Brooklyn and Manhattan plastered the new President's last name on their awnings recently.

And some passersby are cringing, saying the name change plays into old racial stereotypes.

"Why name it that? Just because Obama is black, they're going to put his name on a fried chicken place in a black neighborhood?" said Akilah Nassy, 16, outside the Brooklyn store.

"If it were [Republican candidate John] McCain, nobody would make a McCain fried chicken place."

Several weeks ago, S&T Fried Chicken on St. Nicholas Ave. in Harlem formally renamed itself after the country's first black President.

And last week, Royal Fried Chicken on Rutland Road in Brownsville, Brooklyn, did the same.

Staff at both eateries say the names are meant to pay homage to the new President, not offend customers or capitalize on his popularity.

"Basically, the owner loves Obama," said Mohammad Jabbar, 33, manager of the Brownsville store. "He loves him seriously. He supports him."

Some customers in Brooklyn said it didn't matter what the owners' intentions were - the new President's name shouldn't be there.

"They think because they throw up Obama's name, black people are going to come in more to get fried chicken," said Seth DeVries, 28, a roofer from Brownsville.

Beyond the racial overtones, some critics found it distasteful that a business would try to make a profit from a historic election. "You see a lot of that in this area - slapping Obama's name on businesses to make money," said Khayeen Adams Sr., a furniture store employee in Brooklyn.

In Harlem, the reaction was very different. Business was brisk, and few customers seemed offended at the restaurant, which placed a portrait of the First Family near the cash register.

However, student Skyler McCrimmon, 17, thought the name might be more appropriate "if it were a fancy restaurant."

And Alphonso Brown, 52, joked that naming a business after a politician could be problematic.

"Right now, Obama's popular, but if his ratings go down, maybe they'll change the name again," he said.

ttyl 4.6.08


K. Michel said...

Well, this is a mixed issue. At first, I was like... "Relax, folks! It's just somebody showing their love."

But then, I could also see it as perpetuating a stereotype once used to mock and belittle African-Americans.

At the end of the day though, I say leave it alone. There's a lot more we need to worry about in the African-American community. This isn't really something to waste our energy on.

From one writer to another, I gotta say that you explain your thoughts very well. Very nice.

KidNice said... many exploitation of obama!! damn when will it end???

Miss Wilson said...

... Wow.

riva. said...

yeah i've driven past this a couple times. doesn't really bother me....most middle eastern men own these stores...and their are tons of them with the name Obama...

Boys and Clothes Magazine