SOTD:Songs on the Dome


Halle Berry on Ellen

So Hurricane Chris decided to make a song about the one and only Halle Berry

Its cool song and when Halle went on Ellen to promote her perfume

They brought up the song and Ellen made Halle make her do her own dance and here is the video:

I love Ellen lol

ttyl 4.4.09


Eclectic Cru said...

Actually hurricane chirs didn’t make the “Halle Berry” song a young fellow by the name of Super Star he’s actually from Prairie View A&M University (my school). Hurricane Chris paid for the song so he (Super Star) gave him full credit for it I guess. Also look out for Dorrough- he is also from PVAMU he has a new song out called “paint Job” and “walk that walk” check it out if you want too. Cool blog by the way….peace

Boys and Clothes Magazine